Cheryl W, Wellness & Weight Management x Giveaway

Bear with me for a little bit – this post is on my Cheryl W sponsorship, but I’d like to start it with something a little close to heart.

I received this question on my a few months back. I remember reading it as I was on my way to meet a friend for tea, and I remember my heart skipping a beat and a cloud of negativity settling.
I’ve always battled with my body and my weight; even at my skinniest, I never felt good enough for society’s warped standards on beauty. I got good at hiding my insecurities; no one needed to see the internal battles that I fight on a daily basis.
But here’s the thing - I’m not alone. If you’re reading and relating to any part of this, I need you to know that you’re not alone too. I need you to know that you’re beautiful and no one should ever be allowed to put you down.
It took me a few challenging years and a group of supportive friends to finally realize true happiness is not derived from the numbers on a weighing scale. The pursuit for a superficially ‘better’ version of us – be it fitter, more toned, or skinnier – will last as long as we live, but don’t chase these goals while beating yourself up.
Love yourself, as many love you.

I can’t deny my skepticism when I was offered a sponsorship for a Wellness and Weight Management program. Here’s what we’re all thinking: Won’t the results be temporary?
Also, heaven forbid I be asked to maintain an insane diet because if there’s anything I lack, it’s discipline.
Last, I was afraid. I was scared that I would be made to feel anything but confident about my current body image.
My first appointment at Cheryl W, I was introduced to my Wellness Ambassador, Jacqueline. Before any exciting weight losing happened, she took me for a detailed body weight analysis – just think a printed slip of numbers and words that I couldn’t, for the life of me, understand at all. She sat me down and made sense of it all – the percentage of water, fat, muscles and too many others.
We decided on my target areas – my thighs - and Jacqueline customized my treatment plan for the month-long Wellness and Weight Management program.
Here’s where we start the treatment.
I was given a pair of disposable undergarments to change into, and ushered to a steam room to cook for 10-15 minutes. Everyone gets a private steam room, so no worries on my part about privacy – I was free to sing and ponder life’s mysteries alone. The steam opened up the pores on my body, making it much easier to absorb the body scrub to come.
The lympathic massage and body scrub that came next is a little foggy in my memory– I enjoyed it so much, I couldn’t believe when it was over. The body scrub compliments the massage so well; the two work together to help the body detoxify and flush water and lymph out of the system.
I hardly ever exfoliate, so you can imagine how great it felt to have this body scrub.
When I was all relaxed and ready to doze off after the massage and body scrub, I was wrapped in a thermal blanket to sweat it out for half an hour. This third step in the treatment is my least favourite but it helps my body burn about 300 calories, so no complaints. I take the crown when it comes to falling asleep anytime anywhere (think car rides, Netflix and coma, in the middle of dinner), so it’s not hard to imagine I spent most of that half an hour sleeping even in a heated blanket.
The only issue I have is that I don’t seem to be able to sweat out enough – Jacqueline mentioned that an average thermal heat therapy session allows a person to sweat close to 500g of liquid, while I’m hitting a mere 200g-300g each time.
When the timer hit half an hour, I was allowed to cool off and take a shower. A private shower room with everything from a make up cleanser & toner to a hairdryer is provided.
After a shower, I was given a new set of disposable undergarments for the next step - a customized machine treatment. Jacqueline worked with a machine that helped break down the trapped fat, waste and cellulite on my thighs. This step is absolutely painless, and actually feels great – a massage of sorts.
When the treatment was done, I was given a glass of dark plum natural cleanse tea. It doesn’t sound like much but it tastes amazing, and works wonders. I was given a box of 15 sachets to bring home, and was instructed to drink one every other day for the month. The first week was crazy; the tea flushes the toxins and waste materials from the body, so you can imagine my visits to the toilet were astounding frequent.

But here’s what you really want to know:
Was the month-long program a hassle to follow through?
Surprisingly, it wasn’t. Other than the scheduled tea consumption every 2 days, I was allowed to eat and drink as I usually do. I tried to steer off alcohol more, limiting myself to drinks once a week. I travelled to Krabi for a couple of days and stuffed myself with all the phad Thai you can imagine. My diet remained the same throughout the month.
Did I feel any less confident about my body during the program?
No. The thought of having my body scrutinized and my problem areas pointed out scared me but Jacqueline never once made me feel anything less than confident. She gave me tips every session on maintaining a healthy body, and was never once more critical than necessary about my body. She was professional and thoughtful, and was easy to strike a conversation with.
Won’t the results be temporary?
The results after each session were instant, and were maintained throughout the month long program. The program focuses on detoxifying the body and boosting metabolism. This meant my body was better able to absorb vital nutrients and weight loss was gradual but constant. This isn’t a quick way to lose weight – the program encourages you to lose weight by being healthy, the same reason we hit the gym or eat clean. Detoxifying the body ensures an easier path to losing weight and being healthy, so keeping your body clean of toxins helps guarantee that results will stay.
But no picture, no talk, right?

You can see the measurements of the left upper thigh at my first session (top), in comparison with the measurements of the same area at my last session (bottom).
A reduction in size was also seen on other parts of my body that weren’t even my targeted areas. (Not that I’m going to upload photos of all the others, but you can see the difference on one thigh here, so that’s good enough, right?)
More visuals to keep this from getting too dry.

Before I end this post, I want to reiterate that weight loss shouldn’t be pursued with an unhealthy mentality. Please love your body.
I’m absolutely in love with Cheryl W because they advocate exactly this. Their weight management programs teach you to love your body by treating it right – cleansing and detoxifying. Treat your body right, and the rest will follow.
The good news is that I want to help you on your journey to loving your body.
I have two referral vouchers to give away that entitles you to a complimentary slimming treatment with each voucher, and is valid till 9th July (This gives you a month to book an appointment with them). I don’t earn anything from this, but just think that good things should be shared.

If you’d like to win a voucher, all you have to do is let me know.
Drop me a message either on this site via my ‘Contact’ page (the last link on the top right), or leave a comment on my Instagram photo from today (11 June).
Let me know
1. Your name,
2. Your age (You have to be above 21 for this, I’m sorry), and
3. Why you’d like to win one (Or both, to bring a friend), OR
4. How you’ve overcome your battle with body image issues.
Winners will be notified on 14th June, Tuesday.
Or if you'd rather more sessions over a one-time complimentary session, Cheryl W and I have a Slimming treatment promotion running specially for my readers.
Sign up for 3 sessions of Cheryl W's Award-Winning Signature Royal Flush Body Treatment for just $68!
And because you're my readers, you'll also receive 3 extra body wrap treatments and a complimentary door gift!
This is such a steal; I wish I could sign up for it.
You can sign up at this link:
I hope your experience will be just as fantastic as mine.
All the best, and much love.
For more information on Cheryl W, visit
Their outlets are at:
Ngee Ann City
391 Orchard Road #05-18/18A, Podium Blk Singapore 238872
Tel: 6694 6352/6452
Tiong Bahru Plaza
302 Tiong Bahru Rd #02-125, Singapore 168732
Tel: 6377 5051/6377 5052
Jurong Point Shopping Centre
1 Jurong West Central 2 #03-02 Jurong Point Shopping Centre Singapore 648886
Tel: 6898 4890